
Showing posts from May, 2005

A Study of New Testament Eschatology

A Study of New Testament Eschatology: "But what is the common interpretation of Matthew 24? Is it not that Christ was really talking about two entirely different things as if they were one? Yes, this is the common interpretation. Many say that Jesus from this point on as he answers his disciples is not only talking about [1] the coming destruction of Jerusalem (which took place in 70 A.D.); but also [2] the second coming of Christ and the end of the age (which is still future). They say that he was giving us signs of both of these events together. So the false Christs, and false prophets, and the wars, earthquakes, famines, etc., were not only intended as signs for that generation to warn them of the impending destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple but also intended as signs to people destined to live many centuries later warning them of the nearness of Christ's second coming. With this interpretation we cannot agree. We do not think it is true that our Lord uses one set of w...